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Thomlinson Junior School

Learning through experience and adventure

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 at Thomlinson Junior School!

Welcome from our two Year 6 teachers: Mrs Brown and Mrs Crane.  Mrs Brown's classroom is upstairs in the front of the school and Mrs Crane's classroom is downstairs, also at the front of the school.  


Daily Routines

  • We have our break with Year 4 at 10:45am to 11:00am and our lunch from 12:15pm to 1:15pm.  
  • Currently, Mrs Crane's Class swim on a Tuesday afternoon and have PE on a Wednesday afternoon.  Mrs Brown's class have PE on a Tuesday morning and a Wednesday afternoon.  This can change each term depending on swimming.  
  • We have either French, with Mrs Carr, or Music, with Mrs Teasdale, on a Thursday afternoon, straight after lunch.  We alternate French and Music each week.  
  • Each morning, we read when we first get into class, either independently or with an adult.  We can also use this time to catch up on work that needs completed or keep up-to-date with our timestables and spelling practise.
  • We usually have our maths lesson before break and English after break.  The afternoons are when we have other subject lessons such as Science, RE, History, Geography, Art, DT, PSHE or Computing.  


  • Both classes have homework set every week, usually on a Friday.
  • The weekly homework consists of:
    • Maths (usually from our CGP books)
    • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (usually from our CGP books)
    • 15 minutes of TT Rockstars
    • 15 games of Spelling Shed
    • Reading at least 3 times
  • Homework needs to be handed in by Friday, at the latest, unless our teacher says otherwise.
  • We mark our own CGP books and see our teacher if there is something we are unsure about or struggled with.  This usually happens first thing on a Friday morning.
  • We always record our new homework in our reading records.  It is also up on the wall in each classroom and posted on our class story on Dojo.  


  • We all know how important reading is and we make sure we read each day at school and as often as possible at home.
  • Part of our weekly homework is to read AT LEAST 3 times at home every week.  This does not have to be with an adult (it can be independent reading) but we try to get an adult to sign our reading record to confirm that we have read.  
  • We have a HOW MANY READS? challenge running in each class.  If we read at home 4 or more times (and get our reading record signed), we get to have an extra break on a Friday afternoon!  If not, we stay in class and read.  We also get Dojo points depending on how many times we have read at home that week!

Times Tables

  • We also know how important knowing our times tables is!  They are skills we need to use everyday in our maths lessons and we can all see how having times tables facts at our fingertips really helps us in our maths work.  
  • Part of our homework is to play TT Rockstars (in the garage) for 15 minutes every week.  It is better if we spread it out throughout the week, maybe doing a couple of minutes every night rather than all 15 in one sitting!  Little and often is best! We can also complete some of our games in school but we don't have time to do that every day! 

Times Table Links

Use the links below to find different ways to practise your times tables.

Angles Games

Algebra Games

Percentage Games

Organs of the Body

Use the links below to access games an activities where you can learn more about the names and functions of different organs in the human body.

Evolution Activities

Activities linked to our science topic on evolution and inheritance.

General games and activities

Some of our favourites!

Electricity Games