School Council
Thomlinson Junior has a School Council – they are a group of children who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and improve their school.
Within each class there is also a Class Council, where the children in each class discuss and share ideas together that they would like to see happen in school, with suggestions on how to improve their school. Ideas here are then taken to the main School Council, where they are discussed further.
Projects so far this year...
- Gathering ideas for fundraising for new books and for World Book Day
- Collating donations and delivering Christmas hampers to residential care homes
- Making Christmas cards for residential care homes
- Taking part in the Remembrance memorial
- Organising a vote and collating suggestions of a film for Yr 3/4 film night and Yr 5/6 film night
- Helping to sell tickets for Film Nights
- Selling Christmas squares in classrooms
- Helping to sell tickets for our Glow Discos
- Making posters to advertise Wellbeing Week
- Making posters to advertise World Book Day
- Running a rota to remind children who don’t have wellies on to stay off the grass
- Helping to sell Mother’s Day gifts
- Helping to sell cakes on World Book Day
- Sorting books to sell on World Book Day
- Helping on stalls at World Book Day book sale and Thomlinson Wonka Bar stall
Projects for the rest of the year...
- Organising a vote and collating suggestions of a film for a film night for boys and a film night for girls
- Helping to sell tickets for our Film Nights
- Helping to sell Father’s Day gifts
- Attending a Wigton Town Council meeting
- Games and stall ideas for our Summer Fayre
- ‘Bright Star’s enterprise project working alongside a local business