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Thomlinson Junior School

Learning through experience and adventure

Design & Technology

Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation. 

National Curriculum in England, DfE 2013

Design Technology Curriculum Intent

Thomlinson Junior School believes that every child should have the right to a curriculum that champions excellence; supporting pupils in achieving to the very best of their abilities. We understand that Design and Technology is an important part of the fabric of real life, and as such, has immense value as part of the whole school curriculum and the day-to-day life of our school. The Design and Technology curriculum draws on other subject areas including, but not limited to; mathematics, science, computing and art.


Design and Technology education at Thomlinson Junior School considers six topic areas with the four strands of ‘Design’, ‘Make’, ‘Evaluate’ and ‘Technical Knowledge’ running through those areas to give a broad and comprehensive experience. 


Designing and making at Thomlinson Junior School has a context and a purpose: ‘Something for Somebody for Some purpose’ and we aim to encourage our pupils to:

  • Be curious about existing products and designs, evaluating them critically and rigorously;
  • Approach finding solutions to real life Design and Technological problems with enthusiasm and ambition;
  • Be creative, innovative and aspirational in their designs;
  • Build on their existing knowledge, understanding and practical, technical and digital skills;
  • Develop and hone their skills to critically evaluate their own design and product against design criteria, including effectiveness as a solution; 
  • Instil a love of Design and Technology, a recognition of its importance in everyday life and its place in their own life in the future. 

Design Technology Curriculum Implementation

As a school, we have chosen the Kapow Primary Scheme of Work from Year 3 to Year 6. The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering exciting and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve to their full potential.  The plan Thomlinson Junior School has adopted is the combined Design and Technology and Art and Technology programme. The units have been chosen to ensure gradual progression towards the National Curriculum end of key stage targets and coverage of all four of the strands which run through the plan. In this way it provides flexibility, strong cross-curricular links and is compatible with our own assessment procedures.  

Design Technology Curriculum Map

Design Technology Curriculum Impact

The impact of the DT curriculum at Thomlinson Junior School is monitored through the following:

  • Pupils are given verbal feedback throughout the whole Design and Technology process from evaluation of existing products through to critical evaluation of own product and improvement suggestions;
  • Pupils reflect and self-evaluate their own work: individually and peer assessment, including the Design and Technological process and final product; 
  • Formative assessment is undertaken each session; 
  • Summative assessment is undertaken at the end of each unit;
  • Pupil attainment of knowledge, understanding and skills is assessed using the Essentials Curriculum assessment programme.  Teachers use their professional judgement, based on what they have seen in the classroom and evidence from work the children have produced, to judge whether each child is at an emerging, expected or exceeding level within that programme.  This can then be used to inform future planning.

Inclusion in Design Technology

At Thomlinson Junior School, we aim to enable all children to achieve to their full potential. This includes children of all abilities, social and cultural backgrounds, those with disabilities, EAL speakers and SEN statement and non-statemented.


All pupils are entitled to access the Design and Technology curriculum at a level appropriate to their needs. To ensure inclusion, teachers use a range of strategies in line with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy. Teaching and tasks, including independent tasks, are well adapted to ensure full accessibility, as well as to provide appropriate challenge to different groups of learners.  The school makes full use of additional adults who are deployed effectively to ensure that all children have access to and make progress in an exciting and engaging Design and Technology curriculum.