Homework is given on a regular basis by the class teacher. The time required to complete this work, though not excessive, will vary dependent on a child’s ability and the subject. Parents and carers play a key role in building positive working practices that support their child’s academic development through school and home work in partnership with Thomlinson Junior School. Regular home reading aloud with parents, carers or older siblings is particularly valuable.
Homework is set at every age group from Year 3 up to Year 6. Whilst varying through the year and between each Year Group, typically tasks set promote literacy, numeracy or are centred on topic-based work.
We recognise the importance of homework in supporting children’s learning and developing independent learning skills. Therefore we encourage homework on a weekly basis in these key areas:
- Reading – at least five times a week.
- Times tables – as directed by class teacher
- Spelling – as directed by class teacher.
- Year 6 – Activities on ATOM Learning (Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) to be completed weekly.
Developing their fluency and comprehension is vital to children’s progress within English and other subjects. Children are given time to read for 30 minutes a day in school. It would be ideal if they have the time to read for 15 minutes everyday at home. However, it is expected that children read for 15 minutes, five times a week at home.
Using the Accelerated Reading system the children take quizzes linked to the books they have read. Parents have the opportunity to receive e-mails stating how well they are performing on these quizzes. It is expected that children will be achieving 85% correct or higher. Children are given a reading range, which suggests which books will be most suitable for your child to read. However children are free to read any book that interests them and that they enjoy and can quiz on these if they are in accelerated reading.
You can find information concerning your child’s reading in their reading record.
Times Tables
As being able to recall times table facts supports children in all areas of maths, the National Curriculum expects that by the end of Year 4 all children have a good grasp of their times tables to 12×12. In addition to time spent in school learning and practising times table facts children are expected to supplement this with time practising at home.
The school has a subscription to Times Table Rockstars, which can be used to support children in the learning of times table facts. It is expected that children will be practising times tables at least three times a week. This does not necessarily need to be done using Times Table Rockstars.
In school, we use the Spelling Shed Scheme to support the teaching of spelling strategies. Some children each have a spelling journal in class which supports them in learning spelling patterns and strategies. Spellings (including statutory spellings) are taught and tested within lessons and in Year 3 and 4, some are given as weekly homework. In Year 5 and 6, children are given statutory spellings to learn at home. This can be done through the exciting games on Spelling Shed - you will find your child's login details in their reading record.