Behaviour and Conduct
'Pupils’ behaviour is good. The atmosphere in school is friendly and purposeful. Pupils told me that they feel safe in school. They told me that bad behaviour and bullying is rare. However, when it does happen they are confident that teachers will take swift action to stop it and to help prevent it reoccurring.'
(Ofsted Report December 2019)
Our school and staff aim to ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. Thomlinson Junior School’s Whole School Behaviour Policy and procedures is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote the overall well-being of pupils and staff and an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure.
The Whole School Behaviour Policy and procedures confirms the school commitment to:
- ensure that each child can develop and achieve his/her full potential, educationally, morally and spiritually;
- provide a safe and attractive environment where everyone feels welcome, happy and secure; free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment;
- provide each young person with the motivation and confidence to learn effectively;
- promote self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority and positive relationships based on mutual respect;
- promote a culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils can achieve;
- provide every pupil with appropriate high-quality teaching through a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately differentiated to meet each pupil’s individual needs;
- teach children to respect themselves and others and to take responsibility for their own action and behaviour;
- help teachers and other staff manage behaviour problems that can inhibit effective learning for all children, and to realise that we cannot always deal with problems by ourselves and that we have colleagues and other agencies who are willing to assist;
- help young people to understand how behaviour affects others and the world around them;
- create a partnership of support and effective communication between home, school and the wider community;
- provide young people with an informed view of life and develop a strong sense of right and wrong enabling them to become thoughtful, caring members of society;
- value every child regardless of ability, race, gender or religion;
- maintain, develop and consistently apply high standards within the school and enable teachers and other school staff to develop and use their own professional expertise.
The aim of our Policy and supporting procedures is to determine the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, introduce rewards and sanctions and determine how they will be fairly and consistently applied.
To achieve this, the school will:
- make clear its expectations of good behaviour, through assemblies, class/school council meetings and in published documents;
- reward achievements, awarding Class Dojo points, Star of the Week certificates, merit points leading to certificates and prizes etc.;
- treat every member of the community as individuals and respect their rights, values and beliefs;
- create a zero-tolerance environment against all instances of bullying or discrimination based on race, gender, ability or cultural differences;
- provide positive examples for modelling behaviour;
- promote good relationships and a sense of belonging to the community;
- intervene early to challenge undesirable behaviour;
- follow and apply consistently clear guidelines when responding to instances of unacceptable behaviour.