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Thomlinson Junior School

Learning through experience and adventure

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) take full advantage of all the curriculum has to offer. They learn alongside their peers and achieve well. The leader responsible for SEND knows her subject. She ensures that teachers design learning activities to meet pupils’ needs.

(Ofsted Report December 2019)

At Thomlinson Junior School we aim to match educational opportunities and teaching styles with the unique learning needs of our students. We are keenly aware of the differing ways in which different children learn. We build on strengths and explore ways of positively addressing areas of weakness; whilst always striving to maximise the self-esteem of every child.

We recognise that each individual child learns at their own pace and in their own way, but at some point in their schooling many children will experience some form of ‘special’ educational need. Sensitive additional help in the form of extra classroom support, or small, dedicated teaching groups away from class, is provided for these students.

Our school benefits particularly from its status as a ‘Strategically Resourced Junior School’. This role equips us with a specialist teaching area and dedicated staff who work both within the facility and in class. As part of our Strategic Resource status, we also have special access to support and advice from other specialist Educational and Health support agencies.

SENDCo Contact

To speak to our SENDCo, Mrs A Drago, please arrange an appointment through our school office. Please leave a contact telephone number in your message.