School Lunches
School Meals
Our popular lunches are served in the School Hall using a cafeteria system that offers some choice of menu. Water is always available, and children are encouraged, though not forced, to eat what is presented. The cost of school meals is £11.50 per week, payable weekly on Mondays, fortnightly or half-termly if you prefer. This can be paid by card, Applepay, Googlepay or Paypal through Parentmail (this is our preferred payment method) or if you are not able to pay by Parentmail you can send in cash or cheque in a clearly named envelope. Please notify us one week in advance if your child wishes to change from school meals to packed lunches or vice-versa.
The menus rotate on a three-weekly basis. To view some sample menus, use the links below:
Meals are fully prepared from quality ingredients in our own kitchens by the Catering Team, and lunchtime meals are fully supervised by school staff at all times. Under certain circumstances some students are entitled to be provided with free school meals. If you feel your child may be eligible, further details and an application form is available from the school. For more information on free school meals, visit the Cumbria County Council website.
Packed Lunches
Those children who have their own packed lunches also eat under supervision either in the School Hall or classrooms. They may bring their own drinks, but no glass bottles or canned drinks please. The school promotes healthy eating and we would strongly encourage parents/carers to consider the nutritional quality of the packed lunch they send their child to school with. Please avoid excessively fatty or sugary foods or drinks and try to include fruit, carbohydrate and protein.
Playtime Snacks
Children always have access to drinking fountains during the day and are encouraged to bring water into lessons. If you feel your child MUST have a snack at morning playtime, a piece of fruit or vegetable will offer the healthy energy boost and tooth care option. STRICTLY NO NUTS PLEASE - we are a nut free school due to allergies.
Active Lunchtimes
At Thomlinson Junior School we strongly believe in promoting the health of our students. Conversely sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks are not allowed on the school premises. We encourage a healthy diet and regular exercise. Research has shown that the more active a child is, the better they perform in class. In addition to our Physical Education programme and extracurricular sports, the school also holds ‘Active Lunchtime’ activities with dedicated equipment managed by the pupils themselves.